Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

bekakak "sapar" ceremony

Ambar Ketawang Village, District Dalkeith, Sleman, Yogyakarta, swallowed Saparan Bekakak.Tatkala frenzied ritual procession began to creep from the Field Ambarketawang, traffic jams along Jalan Wates total. There are thousands of people crowded into the street along the 4 kilometers, busy looking for a position in which if convenient to watch a custom event that falls on the Moon Sa-par in the Javanese calendar.Saparan Bekakak society has become a tradition dating back hundreds of years ago. Precisely at the time of Prince Mangkubumi (lane I), between 1755 and 1792.Dalam his series of ceremonies, a variety of cultural activities is never absent. For example carnival offerings, emergence Genderuwo and wewe, and jathilan reog performances, as well as the action is a pair of dolls keprajuritan.Adapun bekakak bride (bride) made from glutinous rice flour and rice Java. In it there is given a red bamboo and are filled with brown sugar.According to legend, Saparan Bekakak still has something to do with the Kiai Wirosuto penongsong courtiers loyal to lane I. Slaughtering bekakak was convened at the palace dhmouh lane I or considering a family allegiance Wirosuto Kiai who died under mysterious circumstances. Kiai is now buried in a cave on Mount Gamping.Gunung Dalkeith near the village of Ambar-Ketawang was chosen by the lane I as the location of the guesthouse or temporary palace. He entered the first guesthouse on October 9, 1755, then moved to Yogyakarta Palace on October 7, 1756."The bottom line Saparan Bekakak tradition is a reminder of the loyalty," said Committee Chairman Saparan Bekakak, Frans Haryono.Perayaan carnival culture was limited to the annual ceremonial. According to Frans, behind every celebration there is a cultural education has always wanted to digelorakan.Apakah the values ​​you want to share? Frans said, that the ruler should embrace, appreciate, and respect the servant. Like the king, he must constantly promote the welfare kawulanya to unite with the people. "The authorities must also love to God, self, and neighbor. And people want to become educators."The role of the offerings in the stretcher relay as a symbol of a harmonious relationship between the inner man, God, and the carnival is always preceded delivery semesta.Setiap bekakak statue to the local village. Surrender at once holy water and Tirto Mayangsari Tirto Donojari taken from water sources in the site of the former palace Ambarketawang.Dan, the procession then moved to Mount Dalkeith and Mount Killing within 4 kilometers of the field Ambarketawang. Until there bekakak pair eventually slaughtered.Create Frans, celebration Bekakak Sapar's always evolving with the times. Original function as a sign of gratitude for the services loyalty Kiai Wiro-Suto family to the king. Later the tradition was slightly shifted into the starting reinforcements means that people who seek freedom from limestone malapetaka.Pada contemporary, traditional ceremonies by slaughtering a pair bekakak eventually become like Saparan Bekakak pariwisata.Adat product is one of the many cultural treasures in Yogyakarta.According to data from the Cultural Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, there are at least 61 surviving traditional ceremonies. For example Ruwatan Sukerto, Merti Code in Yogyakarta, Nawu Enceh in Imogiri, Bantul District, Wiwitan in Kulonprogo, Cing Cing Goling in Gunungkidul, Mahesa Suro Lembosuro in srigading, Sanden, Bantul regency.
Carnival participants were divided into three main groups, namely the pre-carnival, carnival carnival customs and cheerleaders. Pre-carnival attended by various participants Tonti and drum band group dariga schools in the District of Dalkeith. Carnival customs include manggalayuda carnival, bregada District Dalkeith, 4 troops of elephants, 20 cavalry, two pairs of bekakak, bregada Delingsari soldiers, Ogoh-Ogoh and devils. While the cheerleaders carnival participants come from outside the sub-lime, of which the Mreti Code, Trinity, Family Association of Regional Students (IKPMD), Onggoboyo and donations from Kebumen regency.
The event Saparan Bekakak a major cultural agenda and even had its echo menasional so that its presence is awaited by the citizens of Yogyakarta and its surrounding even by domestic tourists and foreigners residing in Yogyakarta. Even at this year Saparan Bekakak estimated to be more festive than previous years. Besides the carnival participants are expected to reach about 5000 more personnel, also with the presence of four troops cavalry and 20 elephants will provide the main attraction for visitors or tourists.

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