Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

sekaten ceremony yogyakarta

The highlight Sekaten itself is marked by the release of two devices placed palace gamelan is played in the yard and the Great Mosque in Yogyakarta for a week before the peak of the event Grebeg Sekaten Mountains. Ceremony held Grebeg Gunungan sekaten Maulud right on 12 o'clock in the morning around 9:00 to 10:00 pm. People who've been waiting and had to stay overnight, and that arrives from the morning after Fajr prayer is usually already waiting in front of the Palace and the North Square. Grebeg Muludan memorial ceremony is the culmination of celebrations Sekaten. Mound that contains the results of the earth, which is sticky rice, food and fruits and vegetables will be taken from the Palace Kemandungan through Sitihinggil and performances to the Great Mosque.Beginning from the top event is the issuance of gamelan Sekaten Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Dragon Wilaga (if in Solo is Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Guntur Sari) on 5 months Mulud, a week before the Prophet's Birthday which falls on 12 Mulud Year Java.Around 23:00, gamelan court removed from the storage, in Ward Sri Manganti ago disinggahkan in Ward Ponconiti later with the soldiers guarding the palace, the Great Mosque was taken to a page.Gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu are put in Pagongan Lor (north) while Kyai Dragon Wilaga Pagongan placed in the South (south) Great Mosque page. The procession is called the ceremony Mios Gangsa.During the week, the gamelan is rung every day, except on Thursday night and Friday. Since the procession Mios Gangsa in Sekaten this year falls on Thursday, then this ndak gamelan sounded that day.Gending-gending played a magical feel of a thick. Using different tunings with pelog pelog but ordinary, this gamelan sounded in different ways.This set of gamelan consist only bonang, saron, and gong. Ndak like other complete set of gamelan.If view of history, this tradition was started by Sunan Kalijaga who use gamelan as media propaganda. To attract the attention of the public, Sunan Kalijaga gamelan playing this and when people had gathered, Sunan Kalijaga give recitals.During Sekaten place, indeed in the mosque every day Gede recitals held on the sidelines of the gamelan percussion.Around the courtyard found many sellers chew of betel, red eggs, whip, and savory rice. There is a unique tradition that underlies why many sellers of these objects.
People believe if we hear the gamelan is played, then we nginang (chewing betel leaf, gambier, tobacco, and lime) then believed we would stay young and be blessed.There is a belief if after nginang lips and teeth are not red, it means that we often lie.In addition nginang tradition, there is a tradition of buying and eating tasty sega (savory rice aka rice uduk).This tradition is a symbol that we are grateful for everything we've got. By eating rice that has been flavored, it is expected we will be more enjoyable life, like the taste of rice that we eat.There is also a tradition of buying endog brother aka red eggs. This is an egg poached egg whose skin is usually red colored. Eggs are then pierced with a skewer which is then decorated.If in Solo, his name endog charity, which is salted egg. Endog charity means that we become people who like to do good.Egg is the embryo's life. While the color red means good luck, fortune, blessing, and courage.So expect to eat this egg, we can re-born into a clean-minded man, brave, and full of blessings.While skewers symbolizes that we all have the axle of life, which is God Almighty.Whip is also widely sold in this place. Whip is a tool used to herd cattle to run on the right path. Well, buy a whip on the meaning of this place is expected we might treat our desire to walk to the right path.Before the ceremony return to the ward this gamelan Sri Manganti implemented, in the foyer held a reading of the Great Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad's life history in the Java language.The reading of history was attended by Sultan Dalem Ngarso Hamengkubuwana X and his family and courtiers.Around 22.30, the Prophet finished the reading of history. The troops get ready, and Ngarso Dalem walked out of the mosque to return to the palace to the accompaniment of the soldiers Wirabraja, which is often referred to as army lombok lombok brother because of his uniform like this, as cucuk lampah.After Ngarsa Dalem back, gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Dragon Wilaga was then removed and then restored. The procession of return is called the Kondur Gangsa.

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