Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU)


Bandung city familiar in many people's minds as a place of culinary tourism and nature. Bandung also currently building a reputation as one of the creative city in Indonesia since designated as a pilot project development of creative cities in East Asia in 2007. Ironically, very difficult to be found in this city a place of artistic and cultural performances are adequate. More than that, it is more difficult again found a place that routinely show featuring arts and Sundanese culture. Luckily, this city still has Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU), a place that for decades has consistently preserve and develop the arts and culture in particular Sundanese angklung. SAU has a reputation internationally and become the main destination in Bandung for tourists and people who are attracted to the arts and Sundanese culture.
SAU can not be separated from the name of the deceased Udjo Ngalagena (1929 - 2001) as its founder. Udjolah that brings the spirit and principles that make the SAU as a place where culture and Sundanese arts can live and who should be awarded. Angklung is very close to Udjo life from childhood. Angklung, calung, or any other Sundanese traditional musical instrument is a very common in villages where Udjo live. Musical instruments are a part of everyday life and is often used for the circumcision, celebrations, and others. Childhood experiences that foster this love of the arts and culture Udjo Sundanese which later sparked his desire to dedicate himself to the development of angklung throughout his life.Udjo began his career in the arts as an art teacher at several schools Sunda. Although it plays as a teacher, Udjo never stops honing his artistic abilities and do not hesitate to learn directly from the experts, such as: Mang Koko Harp experts; Rd.Machyar Anga Kusumahdinata gamelan teacher, and Daeng Soetigna, the Father of West Java Angklung. Meeting with Daeng Soetigna Udjo This reinforces the love of angklung. Udjo Daeng often visited the house on Mango Street Bandung and discussing the angklung. Familiarity was established through these discussions, "We enjoy meetings like this, especially using the Dutch language," said Udjo. He later became one of the trust Daeng and often lead angklung performances on behalf Daeng. Daeng many provide support and assistance when Udjo began to develop and to Udjolah Daeng SAU handed the baton to continue the efforts to popularize angklung to the entire

Saung Angklung Udjo is a piece of the story of how the richness of local culture can still survive and barakulturasi with the pressure of globalization. Founded in 1966 by Alm. Udjo Ngalagena Sumiati UUM and his wife, as an art studio and production center Angklung. SAU has now developed into a cultural attraction of West Java.Located on the basis of the spirit Udjo Ngalagena (1929-2001) to preserve Sundanese culture, SAU is an art gallery as an art venue, laboratory and training ground Sundanese art and culture. SAU is a testament to how cultural values ​​are maintained can produce a variety of value of benefits to the surrounding community.SAU is a style of world wealth that continues to give color and meaning to human life. Located in the eastern city of Bandung, Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) is a place where we can still feel the freshness of nature, birds singing and the joy of children.Come, experience and enjoy the unique culture at Saung Angklung Udjo Sundanese.Strains of Bamboo Clumps Udjo Saung Angklung is a sketch of the beauty of the earth Tatar Sunda. Rustling bamboo leaves greet the ear, from the gate to the rear corner; bamboo and bamboo. Fresh air brings us to feel the atmosphere of tradition, enjoying nature and diversity of tree species of bamboo.Joy Kids Smiles and children's activities is the "spirit" from the Saung Angklung Udjo. Since 1966 the regeneration of traditional art is done by way of playing while learning. In every corner, smiling and greeting the children will accompany you when the familiar atmosphere of Saung Angklung Udjo.As a Production Center Angklung Angklung production centers in Indonesia, SAU is the place to see and learn how a piece of bamboo into a tuneful melody. Recognize and know the repertoire of local wisdom as part of preserving cultural traditions.Souvenirs Souvenir Shop Saung Angklung Udjo have different results craft artisan communities in West Java.Performing Arts Performing Culture Bamboo is a masterpiece Udjo evening Ngalagena that we can still appreciate to this day, staged every day starting at 15.30 pm. This show is a slick performances of Sundanese traditional culture.

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